Advice for Home Buyers


If you are a first-time buyer, I can help educate you about the process. You need to know what it takes to get your deal done. Even if you’ve purchased before, it’s important that I pre-qualify you financially to reduce the chances of delays later.

The Search

We’ll talk about the area where you want to live, so you get a feel where you want to be. Then I will go with you to look at houses. We’ll consider the pros and cons of each one. What I am best at is helping you hone in on what kind of house you want. Then I do a lot of research and preparation.

How you know when it’s right

The house has to be the right fit for you. Our search culminates when you walk in and think, “This is my house.” Until you get that feeling, we should keep looking.

Call me and I’ll help you get started!
